About the Summit

‘Invest, Finance & Restart’

The thought-provoking Tourism Investment Summit on 1-2 November 2021 at ExCeL, London


The International Tourism and Investment Conference (ITIC) is thrilled to stage, in partnership with World Travel Market (WTM London), its hybrid (in-person and virtual) Global Tourism Investment Summit on ‘Invest, Finance & Restart’.

DAY 1 – 1 November 2021 – Platinum Suite, ExCel, London
On 1 November, it will be a hybrid event: in-person and livestream for those who cannot attend due to travel restrictions. The in-person Summit will enable face-to-face direct interactions and networking opportunities for both attendees and speakers and will cast new perspectives and insights on the restart of the global tourism industry

Day 2 – 2 November 2021 – ITIC Deal Room – WTM South Gallery Room 12, ExCel, London
On 2 November, project tourism owners and developers from all over the world will be able to showcase their tourism projects to members of the ITIC team in private deal rooms. The ITIC team invites tourism projects owners or developers who are looking for investment to submit their projects so that ITIC can screen them in the Deal Room it has set up at WTM South Gallery room 12 at ExCeL. Project Developers in quest of investment can fill in the form by clicking this link.

The ITIC team will provide actionable advice for attendees, striking mutually beneficial agreements and channeling investments into their projects. ITIC will also to ensure that your project integrates the best environmental, social and good governance practices. We will then actively interface with investors and fund managers to turn your tourism project into reality.

This summit will explore in depth how to restart the industry and focuses on the following critical issues:

  • Current Economic Outlook, predictions and Recovery plan for 2022
  • Restarting the Travel and Tourism sector
  • Building tourism resilience by expanding air connectivity
  • Discover Botswana
  • ITIC Tourism Investment MINISTRIAL PANEL: Reimaging incentives to attract FDI to tourism destinations and to reposition the industry as a main driver of economic growth
  • Health: Investment in regional vaccination plants as a pre-requisite to restore trust in travel and tourism
  • How to attract tourism and investments from China towards the global recovery
  • Restructuring travel and tourism businesses to lower debt exposure, with new strategic investments to return to profitability path
  • Destination Focus: Investment opportunities in the United Kingdom
  • Re-energising regional destinations through branding and investments to boost tourist arrivals

ITIC is eager to flag the challenges to be addressed for the revival of the global tourism and travel industry and thus enable the different stakeholders to be in the starting blocks for 2022.

This ITIC hybrid Conference will connect together investors with developers of untapped tourism projects and under-exploited destinations from all over the world. They will be able to share strategic information and talk about the direction their future business will take while embracing environmental, social and governance concerns.

Why attend?

Press Release

‘Invest, Finance & Restart’:

The thought-provoking Tourism Investment Summit

on 1-2 November at ExCeL, London

The International Tourism and Investment Conference (ITIC) will hold, in partnership with World Travel Market (WTM London), its hybrid (in-person and virtual) Global Tourism Investment Summit on ‘Invest, Finance & Restart’.

The summit, which will cast new perspectives and insights on the restart of the global tourism industry, will take place on 1 November 2021, Day 1 of WTM London, at the Platinum Suite, ExCeL, London.

Through this summit, ITIC aims to connect investors with owners or developers of untapped tourism projects as well as under-explored destinations from all over the world.

This strategic move will contribute to accelerate the recovery of travel and tourism businesses and restore travellers’ confidence after this unprecedented pandemic.

It will empower the different stakeholders to be ready in the starting blocks for 2022 to fully seize the commercial opportunities that will emerge during the forthcoming revival of the global tourism and travel industry, following the massive Covid-19 vaccination campaigns.

ITIC’s Group CEO, Ibrahim Ayoub, explains: “The Invest, Finance & Restart Summit will pave the way for the transformational paradigm shift that is occurring as tourism will increasingly have to integrate the environmental, health, social inclusion and good governance issues in the future.

The following day (2 November 2021), B2B meetings between project owners or developers and the ITIC team will be scheduled. The ITIC team invites tourism projects owners or developers who are looking for investment to submit their projects so that ITIC can screen them in the Deal Room it has set up at WTM South Gallery room 12 at ExCeL.

The ITIC team will provide actionable advice for attendees, striking mutually beneficial agreements and channeling investments into their projects.

Dr. Taleb Rifai, Chairman of ITIC says: “The pandemic has disrupted the world economy, but tourism is a resilient sector. Sure, signs are emerging to demonstrate that the sector continues its resilience and is bouncing back and, indeed, has always bounced back from past crises.

ITIC and its Invest Tourism division aim to promote investments in travel and tourism not just to create and develop new hotels, resorts and infrastructure for travellers but we want these investments to be sustainable in the sense that they become community-based developments which create employment, education, well-being and long-term value. Enabling SMEs to grow and to benefit from all travel and tourism interests across the globe for the greater benefit of people and the local communities.

WTM London Exhibition Director, Simon Press adds: “WTM London is thrilled to be hosting the ITIC-led initiative on ‘Invest, Finance & Restart’, which aims to put new travel entrepreneurs in contact with investors, to help make their dreams a reality and to help put the tourism sector well on the road to recovery.

Among the keynote speakers and opinion leaders who have already confirmed their participation are: Hon. Najib Balala of Kenya; Hon. Edmund Bartlett of Jamaica; Hon. Phildah Kereng, Minister of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism, Botswana; Hon. Nayef Al Fayez, Minister of Tourism and Antiquities, Jordan; Hon. Memunatu B. Pratt, Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs, Sierra Leone; Ian Liddell-Grainger, MP (UK) and Acting-Chairman, Commonwealth Parliamentary Association; Elena Kountoura, Member of European Parliament; Julia Simpson, CEO of WTTC; Nicolas Mayer, Global Tourism Leader of PWC; Mark Beer, OBE, Chairman of Metis Institute; Professor Ian Goldin, Professor of Globalisation and Development at the University of Oxford and Christopher Rodrigues, Chairman of the Maritime & Coastguard Agency, to name a few.

Those who will not attend WTM physically will be able to follow the event live through a secure and stable virtual platform.

To attend ITIC’s Invest, Finance & Restart Conference, either in-person or virtually, please click on this link.

Message from Chairman Dr. Taleb Rifai

The pandemic has disrupted the world economy but tourism is a resilient sector. Sure, signs are emerging to demonstrate that the sector continues its resilience and is bouncing back and, indeed, has always bounced back from past crises.

ITIC and its Invest Tourism division aim to promote investments in travel and tourism not just to create and develop new hotels, resorts and infrastructure for the traveller but we want these investments to be sustainable in the sense that they become community-based developments which create employment, education, well-being and long term value. Enabling SMEs to grow and to benefit from all travel and tourism interests across the globe for the greater benefit of people and their local communities.

Dr. Taleb Rifai,
Chairman of ITIC &
former Secretary-General of UNWTO

Simon Press

ITIC Speaker
Simon Press
Exhibition Director
World Travel Market London (WTM London)
& Travel Forward (TF)

Simon has been employed by Reed Travel Exhibitions for the last fifteen years. His first role was Exhibition Director on Arabian Travel Market (ATM) held in Dubai.

He moved to WTM London after two years to take responsibility for Head of Sales and new projects and following one year in this role he was promoted to Exhibition Director of WTM London. In 2020, Simon was promoted to Exhibition Director of WTM London and Travel Forward, the global event for travel and tourism technology, taking place alongside WTM London.

Simon constantly looks to innovate and deliver new facets to WTM London and Travel Forward including looking at the online and social community and opportunities around responsible tourism linking the events to Responsible Tourism and Responsible Technology.

He worked extensively in India and Middle Eastern markets. Previous experience includes working in two other large media companies, United Business Media and EMAP, working across exhibitions and publishing.

A former Captain and Officer of the British Army, he served for four years in the Cheshire Regiment (Infantry Regiment). He has played rugby extensively and is now a keen supporter.

Call for Projects

As at June 2019, ITIC has received proposals for live and bankable tourism projects worth of USD 3 billion.

Tourism project promoters are invited to send their Expression of Interest for those projects that are in need of investment.

Contact Details
Ibrahim Ayoub
Group CEO

The Global Tourism Conference 5 – 7 Cranwood Street, EC1V9EE London, UK
The Global Tourism Conference +44 (0) 797 418 7571
The Global Tourism Conference [email protected]

Tourism Investment Projects

Interested in submitting an investment project?

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    Celebrating World Tourism Day 2021

    The International Tourism and Investment Conference (ITIC) joins in the celebration of the World Tourism Day with enthusiasm as tourism is a major pillar of the global economy which accounted before the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic for 1 in 4 of new jobs created across the world, being 10.6% of all jobs globally (334 million), contributing to around 11% of the world’s GDP (US$9.2 trillion).

    Covid-19 caused the global Travel & Tourism sector to suffer a huge loss in revenue amounting to between US$4.5 trillion and US$4.7 trillion in 2020, contributing to GDP dropping by a staggering 49.1% compared to 2019. Now with the rolling out of the vaccines and the restart of the sector and despite ongoing travel restrictions to certain destinations, it is clear that business recovery is well underway and in several countries the tourism sector is proving its resilience by bouncing back quickly despite having been hardly hit especially in island economies that are highly dependent on foreign currency revenue brought by international travellers.

    Fortunately, in parallel to the restart of tourism-related activities in certain parts of the world, business trips and holiday travelling are picking up, giving a much-needed breather to the industry and we expect this feel-good factor to extend to other regions where the spreading of the pandemic has been contained.

    International events have also been scheduled in the coming months – Dubai Expo 2020 1 October 2021- 31 March 2022, WTM in London on the 1-3 November 2021 and ITIC London 1-2 November in London, to highlight a few, testifying to the strong confidence of the global tourism industry for brighter days ahead.

    There has been a paradigm shift in the travellers’ mind set who recognise that they will have to co-exist with the Covid-19 virus but by taking the appropriate precautions life can continue in the new normal. Tour operators are also showing a high degree of adaptability by tailoring their travel offers to the new health world order.

    From my recent travel experience travelling to Tanzania and Dubai, I’m strongly convinced that the world can make it.

    In this nearly post-Covid-19 era investments in the Travel and Tourism sector are growing thanks to supportive banks and governments. New projects are initiated. For instance, in Tanzania, their President is putting tourism high on the economic agenda to achieve a growth rate from 17% to 30% with forecasted yearly arrivals of 5 million visitors in the near future. Government must lay solid foundations for the revival of their country’s tourism sector, especially as it will have a positive multiplier effect on the other segments of the economy.

    The vaccination campaign successfully rolled out in the UK has been a game changer but we must not only focus on that factor but also integrate the social dimensions of tourism to promote the inclusive growth of local communities as well as the issues of sustainability. Particularly with regards to upheavals brought by climate change.

    Dubai for instance has already set the example of the successful reopening of its airspace and the Emirate to international visitors. We expect other countries, especially those that have properly managed the Covid-19 pandemic, to follow. The Dubai resilience needs to be commended.

    Let us hope that 2021 will prove to be the turnaround year and that the future will look brighter and by 2023 we will reach again travel and tourism levels of the pre-Covid era.


    ITIC Speaker
    Hon. Edmund Bartlett, CD, MP
    Minister of Tourism
    Jamaica more…
    ITIC Speaker
    H.E. Mr. Nayef Hmeidi Al-Fayez
    Minister of Tourism and Antiquities
    Jordan more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Hon. Najib Balala, EGH
    Cabinet Secretary
    Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Kenya more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Hon. Memunatu B. Pratt
    Minister of Tourism and Cultural Affairs
    Sierra Leone more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Hon. Phildah Kereng
    Minister of Environment, Natural Resources Conservation and Tourism
    Botswana more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Ian Liddell-Grainger
    MP UK & Chair
    Commonwealth Parliamentary Association – UK more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Elena Kountoura
    Group of the European United
    Left – Nordic Green Left
    ITIC Speaker
    Julia Simpson
    WTTC more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Dr. Taleb Rifai
    Chairman ITIC & Former Secretary General
    United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Christopher Rodrigues, CBE
    Port of London Authority more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Gerald Lawless
    Director ITIC &
    WTTC Ambassador more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Mark Beer
    Britsh Laywer &
    Chairman of The Metis Institute more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Ian Goldin
    Professor of Globalisation and Development
    University of Oxford more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis
    Director of the eTourism Lab
    Deputy Director of the International Centre
    for Tourism And Hospitality Research
    ITIC Speaker
    Dr. Marcus Lee
    Chairman of Association of
    SME Business owners in China more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Ibrahim Ayoub
    Group CEO & MD
    ITIC & Invest Tourism Ltd more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Paul Hoskins
    ITIC Ltd and Invest Tourism Ltd more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Rajan Datar
    Broadcaster and Journalist
    BBC more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Nikolina Angelkova
    Former Minister of Tourism
    Bulgaria more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Rafiq Mobin
    Founder & President
    Commonwealth Entrepreneurs Club more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Cuthbert Ncube
    Executive Chairman
    Africa Tourism Board more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Mark Abraham
    Founder & CEO
    Shackle more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Simon Press
    Exhibition Director
    World Travel Market London (WTM London)
    & Travel Forward (TF)
    ITIC Speaker
    Andrew Agius Muscat
    CEO of MHRA, Malta Hotels & Restaurants Association
    Secretary-General Mediterranean Tourism Foundation more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Dinky Puri
    Founding Partner
    Eaglewing Estates & Hotels more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Denis Francis Kinane
    Founder and Chief Medical Officer
    Cign Post Diagnostics, UK more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Manuel González Buiza
    ITIC Speaker
    Thoyyib Mohamed
    Managing Director
    Maldives Marketing and Public Relations Corporation(MMPRC) more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Joseph D. GRAH
    Director of the Humanitarian Affairs Department
    ITIC Speaker
    Amr El-Kady
    Egyptian Tourism Promotion Board more…
    ITIC Speaker
    Ghaith Al Ghaith
    flydubai more…


    The Global Tourism Investment Summit

    Invest, Finance & Restart


    The Virtual Summit Replay

    The Event Day

    Wednesday, 19 May 2021

    ITIC ATM Middle East 2021   
