Advisory Board Members 2021- 2023


ITIC Advisory Board
Dr. Taleb Rifai
Former Secretary General
United Nations World Tourism Organization (UNWTO) more…
ITIC Advisory Board
Hon. Najib Balala, EGH
Cabinet Secretary
Ministry of Tourism and Wildlife Kenya more…
ITIC Advisory Board
Gerald Lawless
WTTC Ambassador,
Former Chairman of WTTC, Former President & Group CEO of Jumeirah Group more…
ITIC 2021Advisory Board
Prof. Dimitrios Buhalis
Director of the eTourism Lab
Deputy Director of the International Centre for Tourism And Hospitality Research (UK) more…
ITIC Advisory Board
Professor Catheryn Khoo
Professor of Tourism and Hospitality
Torrens University Australia more…
ITIC Advisory Board
Ibrahim Ayoub
ITIC Organiser
and CEO Daiichi Display Ltd more…

Secretary to the Board

Paul Hoskins
Managing Director
Fulcrum Travel Marketing+PR more…