Mzilikazi Themba Khumalo (CMSA)

Mzilikazi Themba Khumalo (CMSA)
Acting Chief Executive Officer, Chief Marketing Officer
South Africa Tourism

Themba joined South African Tourism in September 2019 as Chief Marketing Officer. He is responsible for defining, establishing and driving the South African Tourism brand in the domestic, regional and global markets as well as driving the overall marketing effort in order to achieve the economic outcomes required of the tourism sector from the National Development Plan (NDP).

A seasoned professional with entrepreneurial flair, Themba has held senior marketing executive positions in blue chip companies like Unilever, Coca-Cola, MTN, Cell C and Telkom among others. He also has aviation and tourism experience, having held executive positions at South African Tourism (2003-2006), Airports Company South Africa and South African Airways where he was prior to joining South African Tourism.

A lawyer by training, Themba holds a Bachelor of Arts Law degree, masters certificates in marketing and organizational behaviour, as well as a certificate in Digital Marketing. Themba serves on the board of the Marketing Association of South Africa. Themba is a certified Chartered Marketer and serves as a board member of the Marketing Association of South Africa.