(2019 – 2024)
Professional Details
1984 to 1996 : International Career in the Fashion Industry.
1996 to 2003 : Publisher magazine with women and social issues.
Political career
She entered politics in 2004 and has been elected Member of Greek Parliament six times in the First District of Athens.
She was appointed Minister of Tourism of Greece in the government of Alexis Tsipras from Jan 2015 to May 2019.
In the European elections in May 2019 she was elected MEP with the SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance party.
Social activities
Elena Kountoura develops strong social and philanthropic activities in Greece and abroad. She is President of the organization «EUROPA DONNA HELLAS«, which deals with the prevention and awareness of breast cancer, and claiming rights to better services for patients with cancer.
She has also been honored for her support in spreading the Greek Paralympic Volunteers, while in December 2007 she was honored by Greek Goverment as a Goodwill Ambassador for Social Volunteering.