Minister of Tourism and Antiquities
Policymaker, regulator, and enabler of the fast-growing Egyptian tourism industry. Custodian of Egypt’s antiquities, and archeological heritages and museums.
Previously, a 30-year banker, and a leader of change and innovation in one of emerging markets’ most respected companies.
Key roles included, Chief Executive Officer of Retail Banking, Chairman of the Non-Banking Financial Services Subsidiary, and a Member of the Executive Management Committee at CIB, Group CFO at CIB, Chairman of Corplease – the leading lease finance company in Egypt, Chairman of Falcon Group – Egypt’s largest security company, Managing Director of CI-Capital Investment Banking, Head of Research at CIBC, Head of Financial Institutions Group at CIB Corporate Banking, and the first head of strategic planning at CIB.
Started banking career in 1993 in CIB branches.
Holder of MBA degree at UNC-Chapel Hill.
Elected Board Director at the American Chamber of Commerce in Egypt, and an independent, non-executive board director at Egypt’s Domestic Trade Development Agency, EGYPTAIR Holding Company, and Egypt’s IT Industry Development Agency.