ITIC’s Central, Eastern and Southeast Tourism Investment Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria to be rescheduled to 20 – 21 March 2023
The highly anticipated ‘Central, Eastern & Southeast Europe Tourism Investment Summit’ due to be hosted by ITIC in Sofia, Bulgaria on 12 – 14 September will now be rescheduled to 20 – 21 March 2023.
15 August 2022 – The International Tourism and Investment Conference (ITIC) has today announced that its upcoming ITIC Tourism Investment Summit in Sofia, Bulgaria on 12 – 14 September will now be rescheduled to March 2023. The three-day event was originally programmed to take place next month to highlight investment opportunities within Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe (CEE and SEE), but due to the national parliamentary snap election being held in Bulgaria in October, ITIC has taken the decision to reschedule for 20 – 21 March 2023.
Home to more than 20% of the European Union’s population, CEE and SEE has steadily been progressing up the value chain, and ITIC looks forward to showcasing the region’s untapped tourism investment potential. The region offers solid perspectives for domestic and inbound tourism due to its rich cultural history and distinctive landscapes.
Dr. Taleb Rifai, Chairman of ITIC and former Secretary General of the United Nations World Tourism Organisation, said: “The economic development within Central, Eastern and Southeast Europe over the last few years has been truly remarkable. Despite the ongoing challenges the region faces, there remains a great deal of investment opportunities due to its unique travel destinations. As the global economy and travel picks up again in the post-COVID era, we are honoured to host the ITIC Tourism Investment Summit in Bulgaria in March 2023, and wish to encourage investors and policymakers not to overlook the great potential this part of the world has to offer.”
The Summit promises to deliver an unrivalled combination of thought-provoking content, top-tier delegates, and extraordinary networking opportunities. The conference will bring together some of the best specialists who will unravel the current trends and outline the future of the tourism industry in the CEE and SEE regions.
Ibrahim Ayoub, the Group CEO of ITIC, said: “We look forward to hosting the event in Bulgaria on 20 – 21 March 2023 as we believe the Summit will certainly contribute to revitalise the tourism sector within CEE and SEE and be the turning point in channelling investments in the industry.”